Taste Test: 9 Running Gels to Boost Performance

Taste Test: 9 Running Gels to Boost Performance

Looking for running gels to boost performance and help you keep going?
You know, the kind of running gels that...

  • ๐ŸคฎDon't taste like chalky sludge
  • ๐ŸคฎLeave a nasty aftertaste, or...
  • ๐ŸคฎRequire major-gag-reflex control to gulp down

It doesn't have to be that way.
๐Ÿ˜‹WeeViews runners put these 9 running gels to the test...

  1. Carb Boom Energy Gel
  2. Precision Fuel and Hydration PF 30 Gel
  3. Science In Sport Isotonic Energy Gel
  4. Bare Performance Nutrition Go Gel
  5. Enervit Isotonic Gel
  6. UCAN Edge Fuel to Go
  7. Spring Energy Gel 
  8. Maurten Hydrogel Sports Fuel
  9. Huma Energy Gel Plus

Ready for a boost of energy to keep going? 
Check out these nine running gels...

Carb Boom! Energy Gel

"If you are looking for a quick burst of energy with great, all-natural ingredients and flavor, this is it," says Mary Ann Ratajczak..
"I was so excited to try these energy gels. I am so glad I did. They are a great source of energy with 26 grams of carbs per pack."

  • Convenient
  • Real fruit
  • No added sugars
  • No artificial flavors
  • High carbs for strength and energy
  • Easy on the gut, no digestive issues


  • To thick

๐Ÿ˜‹The Taste Test
"I love how they have a variety pack so you can try the different flavors," says Mary. "My favorite flavor is the Apple Cinnamon. The flavor is simple and definitely not to sweet."

  • "The Grape pomegranate came in second for me. But trust me all the flavors are good."
  • "The consistency is very smooth, however they are a bit thick. And if you are looking for more of a gel type this may be to thick for you."


  • "I loved how they didn't upset my gut," says Mary. "I had no digestive issues at all."
  • "The gel gave me the energy I needed at the right time when I was doing a long run. I would take one gel every 20to 30 minutes during a long run."
Precision Fuel and Hydration PF 30 Gel

"I started using Precision Fuel and Hydration PF 30 gels over the past few months and I am hooked," says Abigail Lock.
"The folks at Precision really nailed the texture and flavor of these gels."

  • Appealing, but subtle flavor
  • Easy to open packaging
  • Wrapper designed to mitigate littering
  • Flowy texture that doesn't require washing down with fluid immediately
  • 30g carbohydrate (2:1 glucose to fructose)
  • No sodium, fat, protein, or fiber
  • Affordable ($2.30/gel for 30 gels)


  • No sodium if you're seeking electrolytes from your carb source

๐Ÿ˜‹The Taste Test
"The neutral, mildly sweet flavor paired with a smooth texture makes for an enjoyable experienceโ€”not always something you can say about high-carb gels," says Abigail.

  • "Precision's texture is more flowy (than some other gels), yet it doesn't stick to your teeth or make you feel like you're suffocating while you struggle to choke down some liquids."
  • "I can't stand gels that make me want to brush my teeth after a couple packages, so these PF30 gels are a welcome respite from highly flavored, sticky, sugary gels."
Science In Sport Isotonic Energy Gel

"I personally love these, especially for desert heat training in the summer," says Josie Riggs. "They have electrolytes and carbs and they literally go down so easy."

  • Easy to swallow, itโ€™s like a drink
  • Tastes good
  • Electrolytes plus carbs


  • Large packaging
  • Donโ€™t try the coffee flavor

๐Ÿ˜‹The Taste Test
"The coffee flavor is really gross, but I like all the other flavors," says Josie.

  • "I like that they have 75 mg caffeinated options as well."

"I loved these for my most recent marathon training block and marathon," says Josie.

  • "I trained all through the summer in 98 degree heat and these were so great. 
  • "Just like drinking a sports drink."
Bare Performance Nutrition Go Gel

"A lot of runners I follow on Instagram have been swearing by these gels, because they supposedly taste good and work great," says Rachel Wierenga.
"I have a sensitive gut and am picky with gels, and these passed the test."

  • Good texture
  • Good flavor
  • Quick energy release


  • Quick energy release
  • Very sweet

๐Ÿ˜‹Taste & Performance
"I tried one on a six-mile run just to see how they tasted and worked, and they were fantastic," says Rachel. 

  • "They taste like a slightly-salty applesauce, the energy release is quick (which can be a pro and con), and they did not upset my stomach."
  • "Overall, they were great! I would definitely try them for the simple fact that they taste like applesauce, not like some nasty goop like other gels."
Enervit Isotonic Gel - Apple Cinnamon

"Ever in search of the perfect fuel brought me to this fantastic gel," says endurance athlete Loehr Young
"Really itโ€™s liquid not gel. But whoโ€™s complaining when it truly does go down easy even at race pace with no water needed. The taste is pleasing without being too sweet or salty."


  • Great taste
  • Easy to swallow
  • No water needed


  • Canโ€™t really find any 

๐Ÿ˜‹The Taste Test
"I use all kinds of gels and find really all of them to be palatable. Where it gets dicey is when the effort is really high."

  • "This is where more liquid 'gels' like this one jump WAY ahead of the traditional gels and the newer Jell-O style ones."
  • "The more liquidy ones truly are very easy to swallow and require no water/drink to get them down even when you are really going hard."

"I find these to really help later in longer efforts when the legs are really burning and the strength is fading, really giving a boost to the finish."

  •  "Highly recommend these for high-effort race-paced workouts and races." 
UCAN Edge Fuel to Go

Looking for sugar-free running gel alternatives?
"UCAN Edge Fuel to Go is an absolute winner," says Michael Vaughan. "UCAN uses a simple starch rather than sugar to help you produce the correct amount of glycogen through your workout."

  • Sugar free
  • Good flavor
  • Easy on the stomach


  • Large package
  • Contains xantham gum.
  • You need to shake well before it opening 

๐Ÿ“‰No Sugar Crash
"When switching to a sugar-free diet, finding a running fuel with little to no sugar has been a challenge," says Michael. 

  • "I've been experimenting with many different running fuels for the past 6 months."
  • "I've tried low sugars, natural sugars, and no sugars."
  • "No sugary crash" we're the words that sold me on this."

"I was at a race called the King of Pain in Glastonbury, Connecticut," says Michael. "It boasts 1,000 feet of elevation change over a 10 mile course."

  • "The gentleman who won it at a ridiculously fast pace swore by this product."  
  • "I struck up a conversation with him, asking how many he consumes in a marathon. About one every half hour." ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
Spring Energy Gel

"This is a GI-friendly, convenient whole-food gel reminiscent of apple pie and applesauce," says Abigail Lock.
"The formula provides a balanced mix of complex and simple carbs to provide lasting energy for long days."

  • Whole food gel
  • Contains appropriate ratio of glucose and fructose
  • Easy to open
  • Tastes great
  • No non-nutritive or artificial sweeteners


  • Pricey ($4-4.50 depending on retailer)
  • Low in sodium (only 85 mg)
  • May not be ideal for short and fast events 

๐Ÿ‘Frequently Recommend to Athletes
"As a sports nutrition coach, on-the-run fueling is one of my specialties," says Abigail. 

  • "Spring Energy is a go-to for me personally, and I frequently recommend it to clients for the numerous pros I have listed."
  • "I typically rely on Spring Energy Awesome Sauce for long days in the mountain and for ultras."

๐Ÿ˜‹The Taste Test
 "I appreciate their thoughtful formulations using basmati rice, apple juice, apple sauce, yams, maple syrup, lemon juice, sea salt, cinnamon, and vanilla," says Abigail.

  • "The basmati rice provides a slower digesting carbohydrate source complete with starches to give longer lasting energy."
  • "But the apple juice and maple syrup provide faster digesting carbs for a quicker pick-me-up."
  • "Plus, this formulation from Spring tastes particularly great if you enjoy apple pie or apple sauce."
Maurten Hydrogel Sports Fuel - Gel 100 Caf 100

"Maurten Hydrogel Sports Fuel Gel 100 Caf 100 is a really good fueling option if you do well with sugar and caffeine," says Mike Murphy, "but may not be the best bang for your buck."

  • Easy on stomach
  • Easy to swallow on the run
  • Maintains consistency in varying temps
  • Vegetarian/Vegan Friendly


  • Very sweet
  • Mostly added sugar
  • High cost per unit 

๐Ÿ˜€The Free Sample
"I came across Maurten while volunteering at an Ironman event," says Mike. "At the end of the evening, volunteers were allowed to take leftover products and I came home with plenty of gels."

  • "I most likely would not have spent the money to try these out since they run in the high $3-$4/unit range."

๐Ÿ˜‹The Taste Test
"I gave them a try and was mostly happy with the results."

  • "From a texture standpoint, these are not tradition gels. They are more of a loose Jell-O consistency."
  • "I really like that, because it made it easier for me to eat on the run. The gel stays consistent in varying temperatures, which helps it empty out of the pack quickly." 
  • "And you don't get that sticky-dry mouth feeling that sometimes happens with other gels in colder weather."

"I love that it's super easy on my stomach, and the 100mg of caffeine per serving provides a bit of a boost if you want it."

  • "Overall, I like these gels. The caffeine and sugar content is a bit higher than other options, but may not be worth the extra cost."
Huma Energy Gel Plus

"Huma is real food gel packed with electrolytes in a thoughtfully formulated manner," says Abigail.
"It's ideal for salty sweaters and runners who don't want to leave anything on the table with regards to performance hydration/nutrition."

  • Stomach-Friendly
  • Simple, Fast Carbs
  • Balanced Electrolyte Profile
  • Convenient
  • Moderately Priced


  • Salt overpowers some flavors 

๐Ÿ˜‹The Taste Test
"My favorites flavors are the lemon/lime and the raspberry lemonade, which also happen to be Huma's caffeinated options," says Abigail.

  • "The high-salt content compliments them nicely whereas the other flavors I've tried (blackberry/banana and berries/pomegranate) get a bit overpowered by the salt."
  • "I actually like the saltiness as it encourages me to drink more plain water with each gel."

"Huma Plus has really changed the game for me."

  • "Initially I thought I wasn't fueling with enough carbohydrate during my long runs, but now it seems that the addition of more electrolytes was the real issue."

๐Ÿ’ฆFor Salty-Sweat Runners
"If you are a salty sweater, live in a hot/humid climate, or notice unexplained fatigue mid-run, consider adding Huma Plus to your nutrition plan. 

  • "I've been running hard workouts in 80-90 degree weather and haven't experienced any GI distress using these gels with adequate water intake. 

๐Ÿ˜€Gut-Friendly Results
"I've always struggled with running gels, gus and other similar products."

  • "Their consistency, flavor, and ingredients are SO off-putting over the course of a few hours. Not only that, I always seem to come away from a session with a brick in my gut...or worse."
  • "Huma gel has yet to fail me even in the hottest conditions so far this summer. 

๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธWhat running gels do you recommend to boost performance?

๐Ÿ‘‰Tell us in the comments or create a WeeView about your favorite running gels.

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