Pickle Juice Power: Give This a Shot to Beat Muscle Cramps

Pickle Juice Power: Give This a Shot to Beat Muscle Cramps

Ever find yourself hobbling through the last miles of a race or long run because your muscles decided to cramp up and ruin your day?
🥒Pickle juice could be just the thing to bring you back to life.🥒
😭If you’re cramping up, chances are pretty good...

  • You’re dehydrated.
  • You’ve depleted electrolyte stores. 
  • Maybe it’s hot out. You’re sweating a lot. 
  • And you feel like your body is systematically shutting down…slowly…and painfully.

That ever happen?
🏃‍♀️When runner Jenna Busch-Henderson hit the 16-mile mark during a recent marathon...

  • She started feeling a little dizzy. 
  • Her legs felt heavy and slow. 
  • And she knew she needed to take fast action to avoid a total meltdown.

🥒Here’s what happened…

Jenna Busch-Henderson put some pickle juice in her fanny pack "just in case" before running a marathon.

When Jenna laced up her shoes to run another marathon, the days leading up to the race didn't go quite as planned.
You know...

  • Rest up and take it easy
  • Get familiar with the course, pick up race number & swag
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Enjoy more carb-friendly foods than usual

"I usually hydrate more than usual the day before," says Jenna.
"But due to a series of unfortunate events, including the creepiest hotel I've ever stayed in, I didn't do so and completely forgot that I hadn't."
🥒She stepped up to the starting line anyways, and decided to throw in a Pickle Juice shot at the last minute...maybe it would be useful.
"About 16 miles in, I started to feel a bit off," says Jenna.
A little dizzy. Sluggish. And increasing soreness in her legs.
👉What would you do?
"It was two miles to the next hydration station, and I remembered that I'd put pickle juice in my fanny pack."
🥒So she gave it a shot...

Tim Hacker is a multi-sport athlete and Pickle Juice Ambassador.

😭Why do we cramp up, anyway?

You’re crushing a training run or ticking off the miles in a race, and then BAM! Your muscle (quads, calves, hamstrings, or all three) seizes up like it’s throwing a temper tantrum.
😭That ever happen?
"Muscle cramps caused by dehydration and muscle exertion are pretty typical during endurance events," says multi-sport athlete and Pickle Juice Ambassador Tim Hacker.
But what's really going on is a little more complex than that.
"Cramping is a neurological response to a physiological problem," says Tim.
"And it's often triggered from low sodium levels, fatigue, dehydration or circulatory issues."

After cramping up around 16 miles during a marathon, runner Jenna Busch-Henderson took a shot of pickle juice.

Pickle juice power: Don't let cramps stop you

When Jenna started to hit the wall around 16 miles during a marathon, she unscrewed the cap on a 2.5-ounce bottle of pickle juice and gulped it down.

  • Would it make a difference? 
  • Would it help her run another 10 miles and finish the race?

🥒She was about to find out...
"What really surprised me was how fast it worked," says Jenna.

  • "I'm not saying a small shot of liquid is enough, and of course, I grabbed cups at stations."
  • "But what it did do was shut my tired legs up very quickly. It also stopped the dizzy feeling I had in my head."
  • "I'd clearly depleted my electrolytes, and this put some of them back."
Pickle juice can help replenish electrolytes, reduce cramping, and support hydration.

🥒3 reasons to pack pickle juice for your next run

So, what’s the deal with pickle juice? Why are runners raving about it?
There's at least THREE reasons to pack some pickle juice on your next run like Jenna:
1. Electrolyte explosion

  • Pickle juice is packed with sodium and a dash of potassium and magnesium
  • It's the trifecta that keeps your muscles firing on all cylinders. 
  • When you sweat buckets during those long runs, you’re losing these crucial electrolytes, and pickle juice helps top them off.

2. Zap those cramps

  • Some scientists think the acetic acid in pickle juice messes with the cramp signal in your nervous system. 
  • Translation? Your cramps get the boot, and you’re back in the game.

3. Hydration helper

  • While pickle juice isn’t a hydrating drink on its own, it helps your body hold onto the water you drink, keeping you from turning into dust on those ultra-hot days.

Headed out for a long run, chasing a finish line, or just want to be ready to stop cramps before they get out of hand?
Packing along a little pickle juice may be just the thing to keep you going.

🥒Do you use pickle juice to prevent cramping?

Tell us about it in the comments.
Fun fact: Pickle juice and a few other ingredients helped another WeeViews runner finish a 100-mile race.

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Evan Jensen
SANDY, Oregon
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I help RUNNERS reduce injuries, fix running form, run longer & faster by strength training without running ragged. I'm a NASM...


Brynn Cunningham Started using those same pickle juice shots last year and love them for 50k trail race training and race day!

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