Looking for ways to fuel for long runs?
⛽You know, stuff you can easily carry in your pack that...
WeeViews member Madi Smith recently set off on the 'Tour de Fuel' to find out what works to help you go the distance.
Check out her "fuel for long runs" favorites + 6 stomach-tested fueling strategies.
But after that, fueling gets a little fuzzy...
That's great. But the throw-it-at-the-wall approach isn't ideal...
Tired of trying to figure out fuel for long runs? I did some of the work for you.
I selected some of the brands I see most commonly at aid stations and the fuel types I see runners use most often:
⛽The early fueling experiments
I'm an ultra trail runner by heart. I began running consistently after a life-changing ankle surgery a little over two years ago. I ran my first marathon in April and my first trail ultra in May.
😭The same fuel for miles of trail and hours of running got BORING!
While I am happy with my performance in my first ultra, I now recognize that a varied and nutrition-backed fueling strategy would have made for a more enjoyable, healthy, and stronger race.
⛽So I set off on the 'Tour de Fuel' to find some stuff and strategies that work.
As part of the 'Tour de Fuel,' I created my own rating system to test 22 different fuels (mainly gels, bars, and chews).
What follows is a comparison of my experience with each fuel source, based on:
✅As an often self-supported runner, it is important, in my experience, to have lightweight fuel that is high in nutrition.
✅Though debatable and dependent on each runner’s unique needs, it is often suggested to consume:
✅Finally, some fuel sources are easier to actually eat than others.
👇Check out the list below for my comparison of 22 sources of fuel for long runs...👇
I can’t say I necessarily loved all these fuel sources. I humbled myself by putting my personal preferences aside and trying to give a review that is still inclusive of all taste preferences.
Here are a few things I learned running a ton of miles and chowing down on 22 different fuels:
⛽The lightest weight fuels I tried
⛽The fuel source with the highest ratio of calories to weight are bars
⛽To keep things interesting and to avoid fuel source fatigue while on really long runs...
Sometimes I powered through something I really did not enjoy, which is what I am hoping this helps you avoid.
However, each runner is unique.
Still not sure how to fuel your runs?
Check out these six styles of fueling to help you go the distance...
⛽1. The Infrequent Fueler
⛽2.The Fast Fueler
⛽3. The Pure-Liquid Fueler
⛽4. The Whole-Food Fueler
⛽5. The 'I’ll Take Whatever' Fueler
⛽6. The 'On a Budget' Fueler
I hope you have as much fun fueling as I do now!
Fuel well, fuel often, and run far.
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