Welcome to WeeViews!
After months of hard work, we are very excited to have a Beta website (which we hope is working when you get here) to invite you to explore.
Below is a brief timeline of the progression of WeeViews to date:
January 5th: Initial idea for the site
January 22nd: First meeting to discuss the idea
February 9th: WeeViews is selected as our name
April 3rd: Web development begins
May 22nd: Web design begins
June 15th: The WeeViews logo is finalized
July 17th: Animated explainer video begins
September 1st: Beta website launches on www.weeviews.com
First, thank you to all who have taken part in the process to this point. It is a remarkable team that has brought us this far! Now, we are looking forward to driving traffic to the site and continuing to build. To do that, we are asking for your help as a Beta user.
In Beta 1.0 testing, we are hoping to accomplish 3 things. 1) receive Feedback, 2) Test and Break the system, 3) build initial Content.
Feedback. For those of us that have been working closely on this project, it is now difficult to see it through the eyes of a brand new user. We want to know what you think the first time you explore the site. Is it easy to understand what we do? Is it easy to find your way around the site? Is it even a useful thing that we are offering? How could it be better? We have created a feedback form (link is on the navigation bar) and would greatly appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete it after exploring WeeViews.
Test and Break. While the Beta version is still limited, we have made efforts as a team to test the primary features and functionality that are included. There are some loose ends. We know there are going to be bugs. We want you to use the site, login and create an account, post WeeViews. Tell us what isn't working or just doesn't feel quite right. More eyes allow us to catch what we may have missed.
Content. We have created some original content (WeeViews) but certainly would appreciate more. Our initial marketing and our pre-loaded product index are geared towards runners. We have taken this approach to quickly fill a category for a better experience to early users (runners). We welcome any reviews that you are willing to share, but shoes, running events, apparel, etc.. are particularly helpful. We are looking for good photos, they do not even have to be new. Explore the camera roll.
Have fun. Post anything. Seriously, anything! It is just us here right now. We are just testing. If we don't like what you put up, we will remove it and suspend your account. In fact, we may do that just for fun anyways :)
Thank you for taking part in our Beta process!
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