Tappan Trail Marathon and 5K

The marathon will start/finish at the Dam with .25 miles gravel before filing onto the Buckeye Trail for 6 miles. You will then transition onto Tappan Lake Park trails and after 1 big loop within the park, you will head back to the finish line. The 5K will start within the park for a 3 mile trail loop.
Date:  2023-07-08
Distance:  26.2, 3.1
City:  Deersville
Registration Cost:  $85, $35
State:  Ohio
Hosted By:  Race Brimstone


Perfect day for a short trail race in beautiful Tappan Lake Park. 1200’ of elevation and light technical trails makes this ideal for all ages and abilities. Looking forward to this one again next year!
Posted Jul 12, 2023


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Lisa Keane
12 Following

Running is my happy place! Trails > Road but always looking for new adventures. Tons of 5Ks, 10ks and half’s - a handful of 5...

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