Pistol Ultra

Start spring off with a *bang!* at this urban ultra on a paved greenway trail in Alcoa, TN (near Knoxville). This event started in 2013 and has quickly become very popular, always selling out before the registration closing date. With distances ranging from the half marathon to the ultra-crazy 150 miler Double Barrel, there’s something for everyone. Runners will score some great swag and some really cool finisher’s awards. They will be spoiled by great volunteers, heated aid station support, warming stations, and camaraderie with plenty of other crazy ultra runners. This is a great race for first time and seasoned ultra runners alike. Walkers are welcome too. We’re here to have a good time! Need some good reasons to get off the couch and sign up? How about these? Run off those extra winter pounds. Try out that fancy new running gear you got for Christmas and have been itching to use. Go for an “easy” ultra before you attempt a big, hairy one on a remote trail. Tackle a longer distance than you’ve done before. Prove you have an ultra in you. Run with friends. Because you can! So get your summertime bod in shape by running, walking, or crawling(!) multiple loops of approximately 5.5 miles of the lighted, paved linear Alcoa-Maryville Greenway Trail along Pistol Creek. Pick your distance. Options include a the Pistol Creek half and full marathon, or the full-bore Pistol Ultra Run 50K, 50 miler, 100K, and/or 100 miler. There is also a 2 or 3 person relay option for the 50K distance. Each relay leg is only about 10.35 miles long each. For a two person relay, one runner will do two legs.
Date:  2022-03-19
Distance:  13.1 Mile, 26.2 Mile, 26.2 Mile Relay, 50k, 50 Mile, 100k, 100 Mile
City:  Alcoa
Registration Cost:  N/A
State:  TN
Hosted By:  N/A


The Pistol Ultra is the best supported race I've ever run!  Plenty of aid stations with anything you could need to keep you going.  They had pb&j, bananas, chips, GU, pickle juice, electrolyte drinks, water, so much more! Great people!
Posted Jun 02, 2022


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