Put on your festive holiday-themed costumes or running gear, and join the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank for the annual Selfless Elf 5k run typically held the Saturday before Christmas. Enjoy a morning of fun for the entire family with light refreshments and a special appearance by Santa Claus.
Put on your festive holiday-themed costumes or running gear, and join the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank for the annual Selfless Elf 5k run typically held the Saturday before Christmas. Enjoy a morning of fun for the entire family with light refreshments and a special appearance by Santa Claus.
I have done this run all 10 years. It is a well organized event from start to finish! This is one that everyone should do, atleast once. I highly recommend~ Run/ Walk/ Jog :-)
Well organized, great start, great swag, great refreshments, fantastic climate, great atmosphere for the holiday / winter spirit. I have done it all 9 years, even the virtual one.