Fall Running Series

The Fall Running Series consists of weekly fun-themed running races, on weeknights during the month of October, at various locations in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. It’s a great time of the year to run and make new friends on the trails! The Fall Running Series includes awesome swag and 5 high-energy events with a twist. We’ve got some brand new crazy ideas in the works for this year! The “twist” will be announced just prior to the start of each run.
Date:  2021-09-28
Distance:  Various
City:  Various
Registration Cost:  $120
State:  Ohio
Hosted By:  Wester Reserve Racing

Reviews (2)

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Where’s my medal you might be thinking??  Well, let’s just say I was a little too slow.  Congrats to Ashley & Kim on the age group place winners!  Great series of races for 2021, will be back again next year!
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Great start to the Fall Running Series!  It’s a series of five races with a twist around different locations in Cuyahoga Valley National Park.  Beautiful scenery as the season changes through the month of October!

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